Recurring Tasks Manager for Jira

Recurring Tasks Manager consists of 3 x screens:-

  • Create a Recurring Task

  • Recurring Tasks Schedule

  • Recurring Task Reminder Email

Create a Recurring Task:-

  • This screen enables you to enter a short message regarding the recurring task

  • Set the project ticket will be created belong to

  • Set the summary, assignee, reporter for ticket will be created

  • Set the start date for the recurring task

  • Set the completion date of the recurring task

  • Set the frequency for repeating recurring task

Recurring Task Schedule:-

The recurring task schedule lists all active recurring tasks, including:-

  • The recurring task id and name

  • Ticket information: Summary, Project, Issue type, Assignee, Reporter

  • The recurring task runner configuration: Start date, Completed date, Next run time and Frequency

Recurring Task Reminder Email:-

There are 2 x optional actions for each recurring task

  • Edit - The Recurring Task

  • Delete - The Recurring Task