Installation & User Guide

Step 1:

There are two ways you can find and install Sub-task Manager for Jira.


Navigate to “Find new apps” in your Jira Administration panel.


Visit the Atlassian Marketplace and search for Sub-task Manager for Jira.

Click Try it free or Buy it now to get started.

Sub-task Manager for Jira page directly.

Step 2:

You're good to go! Jira administrators can start using Sub-task Manager to fast track the optimization of your Jira instance.

Open the app: Once installed, navigate to the Jira Administration screen, scroll down the left-hand menu top find Sub-tasks Manager for Jira.

There are 2 ways to access:

Option 1: Click Home and then click Get started here under Move, Copy, or Delete

Option 2: Simply select Move, Copy, or Delete from the Sub- tasks Manager menu on the Admin screen

Select sub-tasks

Choose the sub-tasks you want to move, copy, or delete. You can select multiple sub-tasks by using the checkbox at the start of each row

Click the blue button:

Click the corresponding button to perform the selected action: Move, Copy, or Delete

More on each action available

Move: Select the new parent issue where you want to move the selected sub-tasks

Bulk copy: Select the destination issue where you want to copy the selected sub-tasks

Bulk delete: Confirm that you want to delete the selected sub-tasks

Want to let your Jira admins know they have Sub-tasks Manager?

Here’s a sample Slack or Teams message you can send to your Jira admins who are getting access to Sub-tasks Manager for Jira

Hey team! We recently installed Sub-tasks Manager for Jira. This app lets you move, copy, delete (including bulk) sub-tasks in our Jira instance. 

Want to better manage your current sub-tasks, visit the app in the "manage apps" in our Jira administration panel.

Fast track managing your sub-tasks today. Get started with Sub-tasks Manager for Jira

Sub-tasks for Jira is available for your Jira instance today (Data Center only). Click here to try it for free.