Use cases

Home Directory, Database & Log File Browser (HDDB) for Jira caters to Jira Admins and System Admins, as well as development, support, and operations teams. HDDB helps teams tackle issue resolution, configuration management, database maintenance, and real-time log analysis from the Jira Administration page. No need for direct access to your server.

Home Directory, Database & Log File Browser for Jira

Use cases

How HDDB helps

Issue Troubleshooting

Supports the process of identifying and resolving issues within the Jira environment, benefiting both administrators and support teams.

Configuration Management

More efficiently manage configuration files and plugins, ensuring smooth operation and optimal performance.

Database Maintenance

System and operations teams can execute SQL queries and monitor database performance metrics to maintain a healthy and efficient database.

Real-time Log Analysis

Development and support teams can use the real-time log viewer to monitor logs and quickly respond to errors or issues.

Collaboration with Atlassian Support

The app's features, such as simplified file uploads and direct access to critical data, streamline collaboration with Atlassian Support, leading to quicker issue resolution.

Get your teams onto Home Directory, Database & Log File Browser for Jira today

Home Directory, Database & Log Browser for Jira is available today (Data Center only). Click here to try it for free. Make troubleshooting easier for you and your team (smile)