Filter & Dashboard Manager - Convince your boss


Informal Request

Hi [Boss's Name],

Can I get your approval to buy the Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira app on the Atlassian Marketplace? We have a lot of teams creating filters and dashboards and it quickly gets unwieldy with unnecessary clutter. That clutter slows down our Jira instance, causing teams to be slower, and eventually it becomes something we have to spend a lot of time and money fixing.

This is a handy tool that will help us use Jira more effectively and make it easier to find the information we need.

By using this tool, we can see all of our dashboards and filters, even the ones that aren't shared with us. This will help us identify any problems or unused filters that we can delete. We can also change who owns dashboards and filters, which will make it easier to keep them up to date.

It also helps us see which filters are being used on each dashboard. This will help us identify any redundant filters that we can eliminate. We can also track the performance of our dashboards to make sure they're loading quickly and providing users with the information they need.

It will cost us $1,500 (50 users) to $5,000 for 500 users (see Pricing page). I reckon we will more than pay for this with a cleaner and well organised Jira.

You good to approve this one? 🚀


 Click here to expand for a Copy & Paste version of this request
Hi [Boss's Name],

Can I get your approval to buy the Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira app on the Atlassian Marketplace? We have a lot of teams creating filters and dashboards and it quickly gets unwieldy with unnecessary clutter.  That clutter slows down our Jira instance, causing teams to be slower, and eventually it becomes something we have to spend a lot of time and money fixing. 

This is a handy tool that will help us use Jira more effectively and make it easier to find the information we need.

By using this tool, we can see all of our dashboards and filters, even the ones that aren't shared with us. This will help us identify any problems or unused filters that we can delete. We can also change who owns dashboards and filters, which will make it easier to keep them up to date.

It also helps us see which filters are being used on each dashboard. This will help us identify any redundant filters that we can eliminate. We can also track the performance of our dashboards to make sure they're loading quickly and providing users with the information they need.

It will cost us $1,500 (50 users) to $5,000 for 500 users (see Pricing page). I reckon we will more than pay for this with a cleaner and well organised Jira.

You good to approve this one? 🚀

Longer Formal Request

Dear [Boss's Name],

I am writing to seek your approval for the purchase of a Votazz Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira app, a tool that can help us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our Jira instance.

Filter & Dashboard Manager is a powerful tool that can help us to:

  • Gain comprehensive visibility into all dashboards and filters, including non-shared ones: This will give us a holistic understanding of how Jira is being used within our organization and help us identify potential areas for improvement. This could save us money.

  • Exercise complete control over dashboards and filters by checking, deleting, and changing ownership: This will allow us to ensure that the right people have access to the right information and that dashboards and filters are being used effectively. This makes the teams more productive.

  • See which filters are being used on a given dashboard: This information can help us identify and eliminate redundant filters, improve dashboard performance, and ensure that our users are getting the information they need. This makes teams more productive.

  • Assign ownership of filters and dashboards to other users for streamlined collaboration: This will make it easy for us to transfer responsibility for dashboards and filters to the people who need them, without having to go through a complex approval process. This means less downtime and more time focused on doing valuable work.

  • Eliminate unshared filters and dashboards: This will help us keep our Jira environment clean and organized, making it easier for users to find the information they need. This means less cost in terms of time to clean a messy instance and the man-hours needed to do the cleaning.

In addition to these general benefits, Filter & Dashboard Manager can also help us to:

  • Identify and resolve ownership issues: By making it easy to check, delete, and change ownership of dashboards and filters, Filter & Dashboard Manager can help us to resolve issues with orphaned dashboards or filters that are no longer being used by the original owner.

  • Standardize dashboard usage: We can use Filter & Dashboard Manager to create templates for common dashboards and then assign ownership of these templates to project managers or other team members. This can help to ensure that everyone is using dashboards in a consistent and effective way.

  • Keep track of dashboard performance: Because Filter & Dashboard Manager gives you a universal view of filters and dashboard usage, it can help us to identify any issues that may be affecting your user experience. We can then take steps to optimize dashboards or troubleshoot any underlying performance problems eg: easily change ownership access to a filter .

It will cost us $1,500 (50 users) to $5,000 for 500 users (see Pricing page). I reckon we will more than pay for this with a cleaner and well organised Jira.


 Click here for a Copy & Paste version of this formal request
Dear [Boss's Name],

I am writing to seek your approval for the purchase of a Votazz Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira app, a tool that can help us improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our Jira instance.

Filter & Dashboard Manager is a powerful tool that can help us to:

Gain comprehensive visibility into all dashboards and filters, including non-shared ones: This will give us a holistic understanding of how Jira is being used within our organization and help us identify potential areas for improvement. This could save us money.

Exercise complete control over dashboards and filters by checking, deleting, and changing ownership: This will allow us to ensure that the right people have access to the right information and that dashboards and filters are being used effectively. This makes the teams more productive.

See which filters are being used on a given dashboard: This information can help us identify and eliminate redundant filters, improve dashboard performance, and ensure that our users are getting the information they need. This makes teams more productive.

Assign ownership of filters and dashboards to other users for streamlined collaboration: This will make it easy for us to transfer responsibility for dashboards and filters to the people who need them, without having to go through a complex approval process. This means less downtime and more time focused on doing valuable work.

Eliminate unshared filters and dashboards: This will help us keep our Jira environment clean and organized, making it easier for users to find the information they need. This means less cost in terms of time to clean a messy instance and the man-hours needed to do the cleaning. 

In addition to these general benefits, Filter & Dashboard Manager can also help us to:

Identify and resolve ownership issues: By making it easy to check, delete, and change ownership of dashboards and filters, Filter & Dashboard Manager can help us to resolve issues with orphaned dashboards or filters that are no longer being used by the original owner.

Standardize dashboard usage: We can use Filter & Dashboard Manager to create templates for common dashboards and then assign ownership of these templates to project managers or other team members. This can help to ensure that everyone is using dashboards in a consistent and effective way.

Keep track of dashboard performance: Because Filter & Dashboard Manager gives you a universal view of filters and dashboard usage, it can help us to identify any issues that may be affecting your user experience. We can then take steps to optimize dashboards or troubleshoot any underlying performance problems eg:  easily change ownership access to a filter .

It will cost us $1,500 (50 users) to $5,000 for 500 users (see Pricing page). I reckon we will more than pay for this with a cleaner and well organised Jira.


No need to convince anyone? Try Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira for FREE today.

Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira is available for your Jira Software or Jira Service Management instance today (Data Center only). Click here to try it for free. Even your boss will thank you (wink)