Should my Data Center clients use Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira?

A 1-minute Solution Partner guide

As a Solution Partner, solving client problems is more important than anything else.

Do any of these client scenarios ring a bell?

  • It's a new DC Jira installation and you want your client to avoid future dashboard and filter mess.

  • Your Jira Admin is at capacity so running down dashboard and filter access issues is a huge time sink.

  • Your client asks about Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira and you don’t know us (so hopefully this helps).

By using Filter & Dashboard Manager, admins gain complete control over Jira dashboards and filters, optimize dashboard performance, and streamline collaboration. As a Jira Admin, this improves the efficiency and effectiveness of each Jira instance.

What is Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira?

Jira administrators gain visibility, control, and insight into their Jira dashboards and filters:

  1. View all dashboards and filters, including non-shared ones - gain a holistic understanding of your Jira environment and identify potential areas for improvement

  2. Check, delete, and change ownership of dashboards and filters - exercise complete control over dashboards and filters

  3. See which filters are being used on a given dashboard - identify and eliminate redundant filters, improve dashboard performance, and ensure that users get the information they need

  4. Assign ownership of filters and dashboards to other users - streamline collaboration and ensure that everyone has the access they need to do their jobs

  5. Eliminate unshared filters and dashboards - keep Jira environments clean and organized

Use Cases for Filter & Dashboard Manager for Jira?

Use cases for Jira Administrators include:

  • Identifying and eliminating unused or underutilized dashboards: Filter & Dashboard Manager provides a comprehensive overview of all dashboards, enabling Jira administrators to identify dashboards that are not being used or that are not providing value to users. They can then delete or archive these dashboards to free up space and improve performance.

  • Monitoring dashboard performance: Filter & Dashboard Manager allows Jira administrators to track dashboard performance and identify any issues that may be affecting user experience. They can then take steps to optimize dashboards or troubleshoot any underlying performance problems.

  • Tracking Jira usage trends: Filter & Dashboard Manager can be used to track Jira usage trends over time. This information can be used to identify areas where Jira is being used effectively and areas where there may be room for improvement.

  • Identifying and resolving ownership issues: Filter & Dashboard Manager makes it easy to identify orphaned dashboards or filters that are no longer being used by the original owner. Jira administrators can then take steps to transfer ownership or delete these dashboards and filters.

Key features


  • View all Dashboards and filters (including non shared ones)

  • Check, delete, and change ownership of dashboards and filters

  • Assign ownership of filters and dashboards to other users

  • Eliminate unshared filters and dashboards

➡️ See the full feature listing for Filter & Dashboard Manager


Filter & Dashboard Manager is affordable and accessible to all Jira Admins.

➡️ Full Marketplace pricing information

How easy is it to install?

Very easy. Install the app and get started in minutes.

➡️ Installation documentation

Will clients need training?

Little or no training required.

➡️ User guide available


The team answers queries during these hours:

  • Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT+10

You can also refer to our most frequently asked questions ➡️ FAQ page to help with the detail.

➡️ Ask a question

How often does Votazz update?

Usually at least every 6 months. Votazz like to keep Jira version parity and are active in feature updates.

➡️ View the version history

Who is behind Votazz?

Peter Muldoon is the man behind Votazz. A 50 year+ experienced IT veteran, he runs a full IT team keen to respond to customer needs and requests.

➡️ Connect with Peter on LinkedIn

Need a business case written?

If a client needs to make a business case to purchase Filter & Dashboard Manager , we have prepared two drafts for you to share with them:

  • Informal – shorter, friendlier tone

  • Formal – longer, more detail

➡️ Click here to see both business cases available