Should my Data Center clients use Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira?

A 1-minute Solution Partner Guide

As a Solution Partner, solving client problems is more important than anything else.

Do any of these client scenarios ring a bell?

  • Struggling with fragmented task management? Consolidate tasks into one view

  • Challenges in progress monitoring? Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira offers seamless, straightforward status tracking.

  • Are new team members struggling to onboard? Subtasks Clarity for Jira provides a consolidated view for smoother onboarding.

Facing fragmented task management, lack of visibility, inconsistent progress monitoring, or onboarding challenges? Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira streamlines your workflow with comprehensive views and seamless tracking.

What is Subtasks Clarity for Jira?

Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps product managers, project managers, engineers and engineering managers

  1. Comprehensive View: View all subtasks within an epic from any issue view.

  2. Seamless Status Updates: Change the status of sibling issues directly through a dropdown, progressing them through workflows without extra clicks.

  3. Progress Tracking: Easily track the progression of epics, including story points, time tracked, and time logged or estimated.

  4. Detailed Descriptions: View detailed descriptions of subtasks when viewing them in a list, providing all the context you need at a glance.

  5. Quickly Add Sub-tasks: Add new subtasks to an issue via an Add Issue button, without needing to open the issue window.

Use Cases for Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira?

Helps Project Managers, Product Managers, Engineering Managers and Engineers improve planning, delivery and team communication.

  • Sprint Planning and Management

  • Progress Monitoring

  • Collaborative Task Management

  • Quick Task Updates

  • Detailed Reporting and Analysis

  • Onboarding and Training

  • Time Management and Estimation

➡️ Click here to see more use cases

Key features

  • Bulk move sub-tasks from a parent issue to another parent issue

  • Bulk copy sub-tasks from a parent issue to another

  • Bulk delete sub-tasks from a parent issue to another

  • Auto-selects the parent issue selection

➡️ See the full feature listing for Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira Manager


Affordable - it can be used by any Jira admin

➡️ Full Marketplace pricing information

How easy is it to install?

Very easy. Install the app and get started in minutes.

➡️ Installation documentation

Will clients need training?

Little or no training required.

➡️ User guide available


The team answers queries during these hours:

  • Mon-Fri 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM GMT+10

➡️ Ask a question

How often does Votazz update?

Usually at least every 6 months. Votazz like to keep Jira version parity and are active in feature updates.

➡️ View the version history

Who is behind Votazz?

Peter Muldoon is the man behind Votazz. A 50 year+ experienced IT veteran, he runs a full IT team keen to respond to customer needs and requests.

➡️ Connect with Peter on LinkedIn

Need a business case written?

If a client needs to make a business case to purchase Sub-tasks for Jira Manager, we have prepared two drafts for you to share with them:

  • Informal – shorter, friendlier tone

  • Formal – longer, more detail

➡️ Click here to see both business cases available