Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira Available Features​​

Where can you use Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira?


Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira is available for Data Center (DC) hosting only.

Atlassian Products

  • Jira Software

  • Jira Service Management


Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira is a simple and easy-to-use app that helps to see all sibling issues within an epic directly in the issue view.

View all issue types within an epic

Whether you’re viewing your backlog, a project issues tab or a project board. You can view an Epic’s' siblings' in the issue.


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Issues Tab

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Easily change the status of sub-tasks

We’ve made it easy to change the status of a sub-task via a simple dropdown. Sub-tasks Clarity for Jira allows you to progress the status of sub-tasks, stories, bugs and tasks from within an issue so you don't have to click into each issue individually.

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Quickly add a new sub-task

Need to add a sub-task to a story or task quickly? Simply click the ‘Add Sub-task’ button, enter a title, press enter, and your sub-task is created instantly. No more opening new issue windows every time.

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View the progress of your Epic at a glance

We’ve built a progress bar panel where you can easily track the status progression of epics, including story points, time tracked, and time logged or estimated.

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Try Subtasks Clarity for Jira today

Subtasks Clarity for Jira is available for your Jira today (Data Center only). Click here to try it for free.