Convince your boss on Threaded Comments Jira Cloud

Need to write a business case for Threaded Comments for Jira? Steal these examples as starting points. And good luck 😁


Informal Request

Hi [Boss's Name],

Can I get your approval to buy the Threaded Comments for Jira app on the Atlassian Marketplace? We have a lot of teams using Jira comments and I think this app can reduce the comment chaos and mess.

This tool lets teammates reply directly to specific messages, creating a hierarchical structure for discussions. Much better than the messy (and long) comment chains we have right now.

It will cost us between $1,500 for 50 users and $2,500 for 500 users (see pricing pages for Cloud). I reckon we will more than pay for this with more focused discussions and less confusion.

You good to approve this one? 🚀

 Click here to expand for a Copy & Paste version of this request
Hi bossName,

Can I get your approval to buy the Threaded Comments for Jira app on the Atlassian Marketplace? We have a lot of teams using Jira comments and I think this app can reduce the comment chaos and mess. 

This tool lets teammates reply directly to specific messages, creating a hierarchical structure for discussions. Much better than the messy (and long) comment chains we have right now.

It will cost us between $1,500 for 50 users and $2,500 for 500 users. I reckon we will more than pay for this with more focused discussions and less confusion.  

You good to approve this one? 🚀

Longer Formal Request

Dear [Boss's Name],

I am writing to seek your approval for the purchase of a Votazz Threaded Comments for Jira app for our team's communication and collaboration. Threaded Comments lets our team respond directly to specific comments on Jira issues, creating a hierarchical structure for discussions.

CleanShot 2024-08-21 at 16.24.08.png

Our team makes extensive use of the comment feature in Jira, but key information is often missed due to the volume and timing of comments. <Ideally insert an example of project where this happens and your boss will be familiar with>. By linking replies to relevant comments, this feature streamlines communication, eliminates confusion, and encourages focused conversations.

The key benefits are:

  1. Streamlined Communication: Threaded comments will enable us to respond directly to specific messages, fostering more focused and organized discussions.

  2. Enhanced Clarity: The threaded structure will reduce confusion, ensuring that responses are tied directly to the corresponding comments.

  3. Easy Tracking: The threaded format will enable us to follow conversations more effectively, ensuring that no valuable information is missed.

  4. Improved Team Collaboration (and happiness): With threaded comments, team members can engage in more meaningful conversations, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.

  5. Time Savings: The feature will facilitate quicker responses, leading to increased productivity and streamlined workflow.

  6. Cost-Effective Investment: The benefits gained for improved comments coordination will far outweigh the cost of acquiring the threaded comments feature.

I have researched various options and have identified Threaded Comments for Jira as the app that aligns with our requirements and budget. The cost for implementing the threaded comments feature is [insert cost] per annum (Refer to Data Center pricing | Cloud pricing).

This investment will pay off in terms of increased efficiency, reduced miscommunications, and ultimately, enhanced team coordination. Do I have your approval to purchase?

 Click here for a Copy & Paste version of this formal request (w/o the image)
Dear [Boss's Name],

I'm writing to seek your approval for the purchase of a Votazz Threaded Comments for Jira app for our team's communication and collaboration.  Threaded Comments lets our team respond directly to specific comments on Jira issues, creating a hierarchical structure for discussions. Here's the link for you to check it out:

Our team makes extensive use of the comment feature in Jira, but key information is often missed due to the volume and timing of comments. <Ideally insert an example of project where this happens and your boss will be familiar with>. By linking replies to relevant comments, this feature streamlines communication, eliminates confusion, and encourages focused conversations.

The key benefits are:

* Streamlined Communication: Threaded comments will enable us to respond directly to specific messages, fostering more focused and organized discussions.
* Enhanced Clarity: The threaded structure will reduce confusion, ensuring that responses are tied directly to the corresponding comments.
* Easy Tracking: The threaded format will enable us to follow conversations more effectively, ensuring that no valuable information is missed.
* Improved Team Collaboration (and happiness): With threaded comments, team members can engage in more meaningful conversations, leading to better decision-making and problem-solving.
* Time Savings: The feature will facilitate quicker responses, leading to increased productivity and streamlined workflow.
* Cost-Effective Investment: The benefits gained for improved comments coordination will far outweigh the cost of acquiring the threaded comments feature.

I've researched various options and have identified Threaded Comments for Jira as the app that aligns with our requirements and budget. The cost for implementing the threaded comments feature is [insert cost] per annum (Refer to Pricing page). 

This investment will pay off in terms of increased efficiency, reduced miscommunications, and ultimately, enhanced team coordination. Do I have your approval to purchase?

No need to convince anyone? Try Threaded Comments for Jira for FREE today.

Threaded Comments for Jira is available for your Jira Software or Jira Service Management instance today. Click here to try it for free. Even your boss will thank you (wink)

PS: Did you know that even if you had to uninstall Threaded Comments for Jira it will leave all your comments on your issues? Your comments will still be right there on the issues, just no longer threaded.